“Continue to persevere in conservativism. This point of view is what your spiritual ‘house’ must be based upon. Your personal holiness must be constructed on the Truth – otherwise, it is the work of Satan. Keep your personal spiritual house free of what is called ‘progressive’. This is merely a departure from the Truth.”
“Each soul is called to build a private spiritual house within his own heart. This house is the work of personal holiness. It is heated by the Holy Spirit. Its comforts are a private relationship between the soul and Heaven. It is constructed of grace. The stronger its construction through prayer and sacrifice the greater its defense against doubts and lies. The soul must learn to defend his ‘house’ of personal holiness by tenaciously clinging to the Truth which is outlined in My Commandments. These are the front door leading into your personal holiness.”
“I have given you guardian angels to guard this door and to defend any attack of untruth which tries to compromise your personal holiness. Trust in their guidance. Place the Seal of Truth* over your hearts.”
“I extend to those who listen My Apocalyptic Blessing.”**
“I am the Alpha and the Omega. My Seal of Truth is upon this generation. The secrets of My Heart will pour out upon all people and all nations. What has been prophesied will come to pass. Do not seek your pleasures in the world. Turn with love towards Me.”
“I am the Guardian of your moment-to-moment choices. I stand watch over you through My Commandments. These are your strength in an age of darkness. Fiercely guard the Truth. The Truth is encapsulated in My Commandments. Train your hearts in this Truth.”
“I cannot change your erroneous free-will choices. I can change the outcome of your mistakes, however. Therefore, do not lose hope, but have recourse to Me through prayer. Find the way to My Heart through obedience to My Commandments.”