“Children, if you are devoted to these Messages* and believe in the source of the Messages, then it behooves you to become the Messages to those around you. Be an example of one who is educated in Holy Love. Always be an example of patience and charity towards others. Support the Truth at all costs. My Son died for the Truth. Be certain that this is one way you will be judged as to how you spend your eternity.”
“There are many ways of spreading these Messages. More than propagating the printed Messages and speaking about them, I expect you, yourselves, to represent the Messages by the way you live your lives. To live in Holy Love means you place Me first and others second in your hearts – self is last. Pray for the help to do this. Accept your crosses for love of Me and My Son.”
“The more you try to live these Messages, the more I will help you.”
“It is what is in your hearts when you die that determines your eternity.”