Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes
“Praise be to Jesus. Several decades ago, I appeared to a frail impoverished girl in Lourdes, France [1]. Although she did not receive reams of Messages such as the ones here [2], many were converted by the miraculous spring water which still flows today. Once, I told you, this apparition site [3] is the Lourdes of this western hemisphere [4]. In France, the Church did not take long to believe in Heaven’s intervention there [5]. Here, however, the Church has been unsupportive despite numerous miraculous healings and many untold miracles in support of My Apparitions here [6].”
“This bespeaks of the cynicism of this generation, which has become dependent upon human effort and not Heaven’s intervention. Prayer is no longer accepted as a solution, but as a feeble crutch. Heaven still attempts to capture hearts and return them to God’s Domain through the volumes of Messages given here [7] and the miracles on the property, especially Maranatha Spring water [8].”
“So it is, once again, I invite everyone, most especially My wayward children, to read these miraculous Messages and come to the site where so many favors have been granted. Most of all trust in Heaven’s loving intervention here. Believe that we are listening to every petition. I pray for all to accept God’s answer to each prayer. God’s Will be done [9]. Come into My Arms on this blessed prayer site.”
“Praise be to Jesus, My little one. Joyfully, I reveal to you today that the waters of Maranatha are as the Lourdes of this continent. They are comparable in healing grace, both in body and soul. They are much like the cascade in Betania. Therefore, you can propagate it with much faith and hope. Pray with Me now for all unbelievers. I leave you now with My Motherly blessing.”
“Please take this down. I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Today the battle cry of all mankind needs to be ‘God’s Will be done’. This is the way to surrender every event–every aspect of life. Holy Love does not insist on its own way (1 Corinthians 13), but asks for God’s Divine Will to triumph in every situation. When you pray this small prayer, ‘God’s Will be done’, the good angels align themselves against any evil that is affecting the present moment.”
“These few words alone call the grace of My Mother’s Heart into your petition. My Heart cannot resist such a cry of complete surrender to the Will of My Father. It tells Me you offer no resistance to God’s Eternal Plan.”
“Make this well known.”