“Children, today, I invite you to come into the warmth of My Paternal Divine Heart. Do this by surrendering everything to Me. In your acceptance is your surrender. You cannot come into My Heart if you embrace unforgiveness. Give to Me every sour memory, every grudge and misunderstanding. Then, and only then, can I fill your heart with the warmth of My Divine Love, which is joy and peace beyond your dreams. This is the joy that unbelievers aspire to through worldly attachments. It is a joy that does not disappoint or evaporate with time. It is a foretaste of Heaven.”
“There is a place in My Heart for every soul, just as there is a place in Heaven for each soul. You must aspire to surrender to My Will – My Commandments. Then you will, through obedience to My Commandments, be able to experience complete joy and peace.”