“Begin to understand that My Son’s* Heart is a reflection of My Paternal Heart. It is both Sacred and Mournful. My Heart remains mournful so long as any of My children continue to live in disobedience to My Commandments. No one finds complete happiness or peace through love of the world and its pleasures. No one can escape My Divine Will which knows all and permits all. Surrender every problem to Me by accepting My Omnipotence and trusting that every aspect of your earthly existence is by My Plan for your salvation.”
“There are so many whom are yet to find solace in My Grace – who have yet to know Me. They may even see My Commandments as rules to rebel against instead of a guide along the path of salvation. All I can do is offer My Love – an unending font of Mercy. I never reject a repentant heart. Therefore, see to your happiness in Heaven now by living in My Divine peaceful Love.”