“In order to keep My Commandments, you must love Me above all else and your neighbor as yourself. This Holy Love is the basis of all personal holiness and what you finally will be judged on. When in Truth you search your heart for faults and failings, you must judge yourself on these Two Great Commandments.”
“As the soul makes efforts to live in Holy Love, Satan’s favorite ploy is spiritual pride. The soul sees his efforts and progress, and begins to regard himself as holy. This, of course, is an attack on humility of heart, for the person who thinks he is holy has not searched his heart well. Another favorite attack of Satan is to use the same pride in people who begin to explore deliverance. They see themselves as above others who do not have the same knowledge. This is only an immature spiritual attitude, for no one knows the extent of Satan’s power and knowledge. A healthy prudence is always best in dealing with the enemy. Load your guns of defense against any spiritual enemy with much prayer and sacrifice. The best soldiers against evil use humble prayer and sacrifice, always living in Truth.”