“Today, more than any other time in the history of the world, souls must pray to recognize Truth. Satan, who is the Prince of lies, has control of governments, the economy and mass media. My Commandments are the basis of Truth. Anyone or anything which goes against My Commandments goes against Truth and embraces the lies of Satan.”
“Holy Love is the embrace of the Two Great Commandments – to love Me above all else and your neighbor as self. These days, the focus has fallen away from Holy Love and centers on love of self. Fashions have been introduced which I despise. Laws have changed to embrace much sin. People have chosen to believe in laws instead of My Commandments. I cannot choose for mankind or adjust My Commandments to please modern-day thinking. My Laws stand as the judge of every conscience.”
“If the present moment were to be the last moment for every man on earth, how great would be the number to slide to their perdition for all eternity? Divine Mercy embraces all who repent.”