Solemnity of St. Joseph
“Most of all, when I call you to Holy Love, I am asking you to pray for an attitude of forgiveness. Forgiveness was preached to you from the Cross when My Son asked Me to forgive those who crucified Him. In everyday life, you may not see specific opportunities in which to forgive. But, it is enough to remember you need to forgive yourself for past sins of unforgiveness and past mortal sins which wounded Our Divine Hearts, as well as the heart of the world. The fact that everyone behaves uncharitably in their earthly life at some time calls for repentance in the present.”
“To forgive means you recognize there are times when you loved sin more than you loved Me and My Son, and to seek forgiveness out of love. My Heart is always ready to forgive – always ready to love. Allow yourselves to be convicted in error so that you can practice forgiveness of self. This is just as important as forgiving others.”
“Forgiveness opens the door to grace and makes your human heart more perfect in Holy Love and in My Sight.”