“A bitter heart is a heart which is angry and unforgiving. Such a heart cannot forget wrongs perpetrated against him. Furthermore, he makes no effort to forget any wrong. I cannot fill the bitter heart with My Grace, as there is no room in such a heart. It is already filled with anger and negative memories.”
“On the other hand, the heart which makes every attempt to forgive and forget is open to My Call and My Grace. He is at peace and lives to accommodate My Will for him. The heart which forgives is My ready instrument in the world. He is eager to please Me and he is devoted to obedience to My Commandments.”
“Because so many brood over the past, little effort can be made in the present to bring peace amongst nations and people in general. Grudges are never from Me and result in prejudice against whole groups and nations. I speak here* to reconcile all mankind to love Me – to forgive one another and to overcome bitterness.”