“Do not let the storms of life defeat your faith. In hidden and overt ways, I am providing. Give thanks for this, even if My Grace is not apparent. Discouragement is a ploy of Satan designed to weaken your faith. The prayer that is wrapped in faith when it arrives in Heaven is most effective and comes back to you as grace.”
“If each soul would say one prayer from the heart every day, the world would be a better place. There would be peace anchored in hope. Fears would take flight. Evils would be exposed and defeated. Politics would be honest and not manipulated by evil. There would be no right and left in governments. All would be openly working in honesty for the best way to help others. As it is, the great majority do not pray before they act. They are motivated towards an evil end.”
“I am asking the majority who do not pray to begin to pray and to listen to Me. This is the only way issues and laws will be made in Holy Love.”