Feast of Our Lady of Fatima
“Praise be to Jesus. Dear children, the reason the poor shepherd children were chosen as My Messengers at Fatima* was their hearts were uncluttered with the affections of the world. It was easy for Me to win over their hearts as there was no disordered attachments in their hearts as obstacles to the Truth. Since they accepted the Truth without reservation, they were credible vessels of grace.”
“These days, the Truth often goes unattended and many hearts do not recognize or accept Truth as viable. This is because hearts are filled with false gods – gods of this world – wealth, reputation, material goods and passing pleasures. My Call to you is simplicity, making God the center of your hearts and your lives. Like the children in Fatima, allow the Truthful God to fill your hearts.”
“Today, I am bending towards earth with My Hands filled with grace, ready to pour out on the simple-hearted. Fill your hearts with My Grace through your heart-felt prayers and detachment from the world.”