“In ‘God We Trust’ has been a promise on the currency of this nation* all along. Now, is the hour, when this trust must bear fruit. Nefarious agendas are afoot to usher in liberal leaders. If such a movement succeeds, many freedoms will be lost. While I honor free will, I now seek to direct free will away from certain dangers. The only way this President** can be removed from office is through a dishonest election – that is not from Me – it is Satan’s plan. The voting process, which has been in place all these years, has been carefully guarded and respected. This process must not be changed. Mail-in ballots lend themselves to dishonesty. The honest, down to earth people would never consider this as an alternative.”
“I am asking you to pray that this fraudulent plan is exposed for what it is. Your freedom is at stake.”
** President Donald J Trump