Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The Blessed Virgin Mary says: “Praise be to Jesus. For Me, dear children, My Assumption was neither the beginning or the end. It was both. It was the end of My earthly existence. However, it was the beginning of My Reign as Queen of Heaven and Earth from My throne in Heaven. From Heaven, I am able to intercede for all of my children. I am able to see all issues which lie hidden in hearts. I can, as Mediatrix of All Grace, direct each soul on the path of salvation.”
“Dear children, you do not see the dangers of these times, mainly because you believe the distorted propaganda represented to you as news. Much of what you are told is not Truth. In this country,* the media has made political issues out of moral issues. Violence has been turned into a solution. Anarchy has become a sought-after alternative to law and order. All of this domestic uproar has not distracted your sitting President** from business. He has made an important stride in the Middle East in bringing together historical enemies.*** This goes unnoticed by your enemy – the news media.”
“Dear children, I am on the side of your victory over evil. I am interceding for your good. Trust in My influence with My Son. Pray your rosaries with faith in your hearts.”
**President Donald J. Trump.
***On August 13, 2020, Israel and the United Arab Emirates reached a landmark accord sealed by President Trump as the two agreed to “full normalization of relations” in exchange for Israel suspending annexation of occupied West Bank territory.