Feast of the Queenship of Mary
The Blessed Virgin Mary says: “Praise be to Jesus. Dear children, today I speak to you as Queen and Mother of all hearts – even the hearts of unbelievers. By your sinful choices, you cannot change My role in Heaven which God so deemed to give Me. I am still and always will be your Mother and Queen of Heaven and Earth. Like any mother, I am saddened when one of My children chooses sin over righteousness. Imagine then, My sadness these days when so much of the world population lives according to choices not pleasing to My Son.* Few in the world will acknowledge Me today as someone who loves them and intercedes on their behalf before the Throne of God. In faith is your power, dear children. Faith in prayer is the strength that can change world events both now and those pending in the future.”
“You do not see or believe in such horrible events that sin can bring upon the earth. So I come as a concerned mother once again to warn and admonish you. Change your priorities now while there is still time. Make pleasing God your most important goal. Seek always to please Him and His Divine Son. This alone could change the direction of world events which lie ahead.”
“Today, I celebrate with those who listen to Me as their Mother and Queen of all hearts. Yes, I am Queen even of unbelievers. Do not disregard My plea to you. Pray and sacrifice for the disobedient whose actions pierce My Heart as a sword wielded by Satan himself. Make reparation to our United Hearts.** I promise My Blessing will rest upon your smallest efforts.”
** The United Hearts of Jesus and Mary.