“These times have been written on My Heart for all eternity. It is now, that the crisis of faith comes to light. It is now, that the Holy Spirit is tested and put to the test. No other generation has been connected such as this one is through modern forms of communication. Yet, for the most part, the populace is out of touch with the Truth. The test of the Truth is not even recognized. Untruth has been victorious in many areas of the heart of the world because the battle between good and evil is hidden from view. Much of this began with the battle for life in the womb. Had respect for human life been upheld in the courts, the doorway to evil, in general, would not have opened. As it is, confusion has become the order of the day. You have political issues which are really moral issues. In days past, much of what is a political debate today would not even be open for discussion.”
“In my Heart, I knew these times were coming. I have tried to embrace the world through Ministries such as this Holy Love Mission.* I am entrusting through this Mission My Blessing** through this Blessing Card.*** It can make an impact on the heart of the world if it is seen as the Truth that it is. See it as a lifeboat upon the sea of hypocrisy. Treat it as such.”
** For information on the Triple Blessing – Blessing of Light, Patriarchal Blessing and Apocalyptic Blessing. (Read more…)
*** Free Triple Blessing Prayer Card (Here…)