“Each person’s heart is his own kingdom. As with any kingdom, there are marauders seeking to destroy it. In this case today (the election),* the vandals are the mass media who are trying to capture the heart of man, the nation** and the world with untruth. Therefore, it is important that each heart defines the Truth and tenaciously clings to it. The Truth is My Commandments which have outlined for you the way to your salvation. Ideas which compromise this goal are evil and must not be acted upon. Untruths, when given credence through mass media, tear down the walls of the hearts struggling to decide what is Truth and what is not.”
“I am the Author of Truth – of My Commandments. I do not, nor never will, support anarchy, sanctuaries of violence or oppose a person’s right to protect himself. I do not support any attempt to destroy the foundation of history which is the basis of support of the heart of this country. Only evil would encourage and support such things. As Author of the Commandments, I would never encourage lawlessness. Keep these Truths in mind in every future moment. I am the Truth.”
** U.S.A.