Feast of the Most Holy Name of Mary
“Children, do not let your hearts be captured by thoughts of the past. Remain with Me in the present moment. Herein is your salvation. In every moment allow Me to renew your heart in Holy Love. These days, it is lack of Holy Love in hearts that has caused every problem – apostasy, greed, impatience with others, lack of trust, lying, and a general disorder. These are more than just character flaws – they are spirits – evil spirits that people are cooperating with.”
“Every day renew your commitment to Holy Love when you arise. This will serve as a barrier against Satan’s suggestions as the day wears on. Your angels want to protect you from error, but you must cooperate with them. Learn to recognize Satan’s attacks by praying for discernment. This is the way to undo the enemy’s plans in your heart.”
“On a grand scale, this is a simple plan for world peace.”