Surrender to Me all situations and watch Me handle everything

"The best way to accept what comes is to let My Will be responsible for the outcome of your choices- choices grounded in prayer and sacrifices"
October 30, 2020 – Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

Holy Love - Heart of God the Father“Children, today I tell you, if you desire peace in your heart during these troubled times, resolve to surrender to My Divine Will. Only then will you be able to accept each present moment with peace. These days you have to make choices which affect not only your life, but even the whole world. The best way to accept what comes is to let My Will be responsible for the outcome of your choices – choices grounded in prayer and sacrifices. I have a way and the authority to bring all things under My Dominion.”

“You do not possess anything that I have not provided – materially or spiritually. Your physical health, as well, is in My charge. You can only change things by means of prayer and sacrifice. Therefore, surrender to Me all situations and watch Me handle everything. In your surrender must be your trust. It is evil which promotes doubt in your hearts. Doubts bear the bad fruit of fear. This is why when you surrender all things to Me, pray for trust in all ways. Even give to Me the unexpected. This way your prayers will find peaceful surrender and be fulfilled in My Divine Will.”

Read Psalm 5:11-12+ But let all who take refuge in you rejoice, let them ever sing for joy; and do defend them, that those who love your name may exult in you. For you bless the righteous, O LORD; you cover him with favor as with a shield.
Messaggi del Santo Amore