

August 6, 2020 - Trust in My love for you.  In and through this love, I support you in good times and in difficulties.  I give you nothing that you and I...

July 7, 2020 - "This, children, is how to receive My Triple Blessing. Make it part of a prayer. Pray to have faith in your hearts. Faith is the foundation of a...

July 1, 2020 – "When the soul steps onto this property, I know exactly what he needs most. Sometimes, it is the need to have his faith tested"

"Children, persevere during these times of strife amidst the pandemic, race riots and what is to come. Much has been orchestrated by Satan in order to...

"Faith, hope and love are the foundation and the building blocks of every good prayer and every solid prayer life. These three virtues come from My Heart"