

March 6, 2022 - "Children, I invite you to understand that a grave responsibility rests upon those who are witnessing this aggression in the Ukraine. It is a...

March 5, 2022- "Only a fool lives his life on earth as though he is not responsible before Me for thought, word and deed. Only a fool is careless about...

March 4, 2022 - "Hearts do not betray the Truth if they are in the Light. It is when selfish ambition enters hearts that the Truth leaves."

March 1, 2022 - "Nothing is over or resolved in the heart of Vladimir Putin. He is testing international patience with his aggression and terror. He will set...

February 27, 2022 - "There is nothing honorable in following inclinations towards war. In Mr. Putin's case, he appears to have made no effort towards...

Messaggi del Santo Amore