All Soul’s Day
“I need to remind you that good or bad choices determine a soul’s destiny and place in eternity. Living in the present moment does not mean you ignore the whole reason I created you. You were created to know Me and to love Me. So, it follows, you are called to love My Commandments. This love of My Commandments is wrapped in obedience. My Commandments are a roadmap to Heaven.”
“If you obey My Commandments, then you are dedicated to the Truth. A dishonest person is only fooling himself. I see into all hearts. I know each soul far better than he knows himself. The souls devoted to the Truth receive My Blessing in abundance, both in this life and the next. I expose evil in My own way and in My own time. Nothing is hidden from Me. The soul who supports the Truth in every way is in command of each present moment I give him.”
“Do not be fooled by the empty promises of those who are ambitious only for themselves. Often what is seen in the foreground is negated by an evil hidden agenda – one that transgresses the rights of others. Be wise enough to understand this.”