June 7, 1997 – From the Cure D’Ars -Patron of Parish Priests… …I look up to see the Cure D’Ars. He says… “I see you are not so glad to see me. We do not operate in fear. I know you are afraid I will tell you things that will leave you open to criticism. I only come bearing truth. Where do I begin? Faith in the Holy Father, faith in the Real Presence in the Eucharist, devotion to Our Lady and the Holy Rosary – these are the three strong points that a good priest must have. There is nothing here open to debate or compromise. These are Church doctrine. No one can be one-half a Catholic. You either believe or you don’t. The function of a priest is to bring the sacraments to the people. Nothing should get in the way of this. The priest can change many souls and situations from the pulpit and by his lifestyle. He can uncover sin, fight abortion, feed the hungry, and strengthen faith. He can promote the family Rosary and Rosary groups in his own parish. He can ask for prayers against abortion and in support of the Holy Father and the Church. He can lead a saintly, exemplary life not being afraid of unpopularity or being a sign of the priesthood in the world – not being afraid to uncover sin. A vocation is a special gift from God. It is a call, and within that call is grave responsibility towards his parishioners and their salvation…” The Cure nods to me… “There now. Was that so bad? Move forward…” He blesses me and leaves.
June 8, 1997 – I look up to see the Cure D’Ars once again. He says… “Forgive the intrusion. I like your dress, for it is modest.” (I had been concerned it was too long.) He goes on. “I have come to describe to you the perfect Cardinal, Archbishop, and Bishop. Such a one is completely loyal to the present Holy Father. He does not support heresy but confronts it. He is not politically motivated nor concerned with popularity within Church ranks or in the world. He is a shepherd standing for Church tradition and truth. I come to you so that those who are listening will be able to recognize good and discern evil.” He blessed me and left.
August 4, 1998 – Feast of St. John Vianney… “Priests need to take seriously their charge, which is the salvation of every soul given over to them by Jesus. Too much is made of social action, modern psychology, and the like. Not enough emphasis is placed on sin, salvation, heaven, and hell.”
November 7, 1998 – “So you are going to pray for priests on 2nd Fridays! It is good. It is very good. Pray that their faith is not compromised and watered down by popular opinion. Pray for their integrity. I, myself, will come and address the group.”
February 12, 1999 – Second Friday of the Month Prayer Service… I (Maureen) saw Our Lady’s hands in the air. Then St. John Vianney appeared in front of them.He says… “Praise be Jesus. My brothers and sisters, you must pray for priests for they are so under attack, today more than ever. Satan’s confusion has attacked every heart consecrated to the priesthood. It is only through much prayer and sacrifice that the truth can be found and made known. My brothers and sisters, apostasy and schism have reached the very heart of the Church in this day and age. Those in error do not leave, but remain within the Church itself, and obscure the truth. This is why I tell you, pray for the priests.” St. John Vianney blessed us.
April 9, 1999 – Friday Prayer Service… “Praise be Jesus. Ask the people here to pray an Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be for lukewarm priests. My brothers and sisters, I have three requests. These requests are subjects that I desire priests place more importance upon and preach about. The first one is Jesus’ real and true Presence in the tabernacles of the world. The second is the most Holy and Virgin Mother of God. And the third is the battle between good and evil in hearts. If priests do not help their parishioners and their flock to recognize sin, how can they hope to avoid it? And how will their confessionals fill up? Continue to pray for priests in this way and I will pray with you.” The Cure (d’ Ars – John Vianney) blessed us.
May 13, 1999 – Please ask my brothers and sisters to pray for priests. Our Lady invites them into Her Heart. Pray that all priests are faithful and obedient to the Holy Father, that they honor Jesus present in the tabernacles of the world, and that they love their heavenly Mother. I give praise to Jesus.”
June 11, 1999 – Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; Second Friday Prayer Service to Pray for Priests… Jesus, the Sacred Heart, is here with St. John Vianney… “Praised be Jesus. My brothers and sisters, pray for all priests that faith in their hearts is strengthened and protected through the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Priests must obey and honor all Church dogma and the Holy Father, for Jesus Himself has set this Holy Father in place. Seek always the respite of the Sacred Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and your faith will be secure.” (Jesus blesses us.)
July 9, 1999 – Second Friday Service to Pray for Priests… St. John Vianney is here in his faded black cassock… “Praise be to Jesus. My dear brothers and sisters, tonight I earnestly ask you to pray to the Blessed Mother of God, that She protect the faith of priests as well as your own faith. Ask the Blessed Mother to pray that all priests become loyal to the magisterium and remain so; that all priests believe in the Real Presence of the Holy Eucharist; and that all priests become devoted to the Blessed Mother. These are the three anchors of faith. I will pray with you. I will give you my priestly blessing.”
August 4, 1999 – Feast of St. John Vianney, Cure of Ars… “Praise be to Jesus. I will tell you why I have come. I have come to invite every soul into the Divine Will. You may say, ‘My dear St. John, I do not know what God’s Will is for me.’ Here it is. Live in the present moment in Holy Love. ‘Oh, that is too hard,’ you say. Only if you refuse to surrender, is it hard. Your surrender is everything. These Two Great Commandments are like jewels – like diamonds. The more you surrender, the more you see the glistening jewel. But when you place your own will in the way… ah, many obstacles. You have a rough rock covering the jewel. Your will must be chipped away to see what lies in hiding – a jewel greater than any on earth. The more you surrender, the easier it is to surrender. Make it known.”
August 4, 1999 – Feast of St. John Vianney, Cure of Ars; Prayer Service… “My brothers and sisters, it is through the surrender of each priestly heart to his vocation that the sacraments come to you. Therefore, pray that more surrender to their vocations and to their priestly duties. Each priest is responsible for the souls that come to him. You must pray; you must be united in Holy Love in this effort. Tonight I’m giving you My priestly blessing.”
August 13, 1999 – 2nd Friday Service to Pray for Priests… Blessed Mother and St. John Vianney are here. They both say… “Praise be to Jesus.” St. John Vianney… “My brothers and sisters, pray for priests to pursue the virtue of simplicity. Through this virtue they will think, speak, and act only to please God, to Jesus through Mary. One of the fruits of this virtue is discernment. I’m praying with you. I extend to you tonight my priestly blessing.”
September 10, 1999 – 2nd Friday Prayer Service for Priests… “Praise be to Jesus. My brothers and sisters, pray tonight and every day that priests preach the power of a holy life from the pulpit. They need to mention more often the power of prayer, sacrifice, and the evil of sin. There is a difference between love, peace, and joy as the world knows it, and love, peace, and joy that is the fruit of holiness through Holy Love. Tonight I extend to you my priestly blessing.”
October 8, 1999 – Second Friday Service to Pray for Priests… “Praise be to Jesus. Tonight, my brothers and sisters, I remind you that all priests can judge the strength of their ministry by the numbers of confessions that they hear in one week. For the priests’ job is to uncover evil, to heal the brokenhearted, and to oppose Satan where he lays hidden in hearts. Today I’m asking you to pray that all vocations are strengthened in these areas. And I’m extending to you my priestly blessing.”
January 14, 2000 – Second Friday Service to Pray for Priests… “Praise be to Jesus. My brothers and sisters, my dear children in Christ, please pray that all priests make of their hearts reservoirs of Holy and Divine Love. If they would do this, vocations would be saved, as well as souls. I’m extending to you tonight my priestly blessing.”
March 10, 2000 – Second Friday Prayer Service to Pray for Priests… “Praise be to Jesus. Tonight I have come to ask that people pray for priests every day. I ask this because Satan is so attacking the priesthood, and so, the Church from within. Pray that priests are loyal to Church hierarchy and faithful to all dogma so that their flock will be united. God will then bless your lives.”
May 12, 2000 – Second Friday Service to Pray for Priests… “All praise to Jesus. My brothers and sisters, please pray every day for all priests and most especially for the newly ordained. Pray that they will be faithful to the Magisterium under this Holy Father; that they will be devoted to the Eucharist, and close to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Then, let us face facts, My brothers and sisters. There are priests who oppose recitation of the Rosary. We must pray for them. This certainly is an obstacle on their path towards Holy and Divine Love. I’m extending to you my priestly blessing.”
August 4, 2000 – “Praise be to Jesus. I have come to invite you to see that Satan’s tactics are the same within the heart of the Church as they are in the secular world today. It is called compromise. When a heart is compromised, it places more value on pleasing self and impressing others than upholding truth and pleasing God. Such a conscience is not easily corrected. Yes, the world and the Church suffer today because of compromise. This is how Satan enters governments and marriages as well. You must uncover this in courage and make it known.”
September 8, 2000 – Second Friday Rosary Service to Pray for Priests… “Praise be to Jesus. My brothers and sisters, in Christ, we must pray together for priests who have compromised consciences. Such as these are concerned more for what people think of them than in pleasing God. You have no idea the impact this Message on the Chambers of the Heart of Our Lord would mean to such priests. I’m extending to you my priestly blessing.”
October 13, 2000 – Second Friday Rosary Service to Pray for Priests… Jesus and St. John Vianney are here… “All praise be to Jesus. (Jesus now disappears. St. John continues) My brothers and sisters, a vocation is given at the time of conception. Thousands upon thousands of vocations have been lost because of the sin of abortion. Other vocations, even prelates, have lost their vocations because of their devotion to the world, the flesh, and the devil. You, my brothers and sisters must pray always that the vocations that are given at the time of conception grow to fruition under the mantle of our Most Blessed Mother. I’m extending to you my priestly blessing.”
March 9, 2001 – Friday Rosary Service for Priests… Jesus and St. John Vianney are here. St. John says… “Praise be Jesus.” (Jesus says) “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate…” St. John Vianney… “I’ve come to tell you how to live more deeply this message of the United Hearts which you have been given by Heaven. You cannot surrender if you do not trust, and you cannot trust if you do not love Jesus more perfectly. Therefore, let all your efforts be given over to loving the Lord with a more perfect love. (St. John gives us His priestly Blessing and Jesus says) “I’m extending to all here tonight My Blessing of Divine Love.”
June 8, 2001 – “Praise be to Jesus. My brothers and sisters, it is every priest’s duty, every bishop’s duty and every cardinal’s duty to be familiar with what was stated and decided upon in Vatican II. Compromise begins like this: Untruths and convoluted thinking are attributed to decisions in Vatican II, and these errors are spread, and worse still, accepted and believed in. I will bless you if you pursue the truth in every way and on every subject. Do not presume certain things were stated or decided upon which were not. Tonight I’m extending to you My Priestly Blessing.”
July 13, 2001 – St. John Vianney and Archbishop Ganaka are here, and say… “Praise be to Jesus…” (St. John Vianney) “My brothers and sisters, no priest should exempt himself from a nightly examination of conscience, for it is in this way he is drawn deeper into the Heart of Jesus, using the light of Holy Love as his guide. Every priest needs to measure himself against the maxim of Holy Love, for this is the way to increase in holiness and made a good confessor for those who come to him confessing their sins. We extend to you tonight Our Priestly Blessing.”
August 10, 2001 – “Praise be to Jesus. Tonight I have come, My brothers and sisters, with Heaven’s request that you pray and support the Church’s (Catholic) position on abortion, birth control and stem cell research, NOT the POPULAR OPINION. The popular opinion is shot full of compromise and Satan’s deceit. Pray against Satan’s deceptions. I’m extending to you My Priestly Blessing.”
October 12, 2001 – Jesus and St. John Vianney are here. St. John says… “Praise be to Jesus….” Jesus… “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate…” (St. John Vianney) “My brothers and sisters, pray as little children beseeching the Good God to draw all priests into the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary–Refuge of Holy Love–for this is the way of true conversion. Tonight I will extend to you my Priestly Blessing.”
May 10, 2002 · Jesus is here with St. John Vianney. Jesus says… “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate…” St. John says… “Praise be to Jesus. We have come from Heaven to call all priests, all Bishops, all Cardinals into a brotherly commitment with the Lord Jesus Christ. This brotherhood of love will help you to lead with a loving heart, not with hearts drunk with power. I’m extending to you tonight My Priestly Blessing…. Jesus: “I extend to you My Blessing of Divine Love.”
June 14, 2002 – St. John Vianney is here. He has tears in his eyes and says… “Praise be to Jesus. My brothers and sisters, today I have come to you begging your prayers and your continued sacrifices for Holy Mother Church. The soul of the Church has been laid bare, and that which was hidden in darkness has been brought into the light. And you know, my brothers and sisters, that what has taken place in the past is still wounded in the hearts of many in the present moment. Therefore, I ask you to pray for the victims of these crimes. Priests must realize that their vocation was given to them to save souls through the sacraments of the Church. And so tonight I’m taking all your petitions with me to Heaven, and I am imparting to you my Priestly Blessing.”
July 12, 2002 – St. John Vianney is here. He bows toward Fr. Patrick. Then he looks at me, smiles and says… “Now you can tell them how raggedy I look… Now, my brothers and sisters, I have come to give praise to Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to ask all priests to come before the Eucharistic Lord, His True and Real Presence in the tabernacles of the world–there to be stripped of all compromise and deceit–their hearts to be laid bare so that He can make them His true and real priests. Tonight I’m blessing you with My Priestly Blessing.”
August 4, 2002 – “Praise be to Jesus. It is a sad thing that has befallen the Church today–these scandals! It is all because of lack of belief in the True Presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Yes, this belief alone would stop such heinous crimes. This belief, coupled with devotion to the Holy Madonna, would stop any serious sin. No one, let alone a priest who loves these devotions, would even entertain such thoughts.”
August 9, 2002 – “Praise be to Jesus. My brothers and sisters, when the Lord places a vocation in the heart, it is there forever. It is never lost, but it is betrayed. It is betrayed when the priest does not stay faithful to the Magisterium of the Church–when he is not devoted to the Holy Eucharist or to the Holy Madonna. Priests must persevere in these devotions and in obedience or else they will give in to doubts. Pray for all priests. (He blesses us).”
October 11, 2002 – Praise be to Jesus. My brothers and sisters, I desire that each of you make some small sacrifice daily for the conversion of priests and the Church hierarchy. Pray that they are always open to seeing their own weaknesses and shortcomings, and the areas of temptation where Satan enters. Pray and sacrifice that they receive strength through Heavenly grace to overcome these shortcomings. I’m extending to you my Priestly Blessing.”
November 8, 2002 – “Praise be to Jesus. My brothers and sisters, pray that all priests become detached from material goods, reputation and all worldly allurements. Let their only attachment be the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus. In this way their vocations will be safeguarded. I’m blessing you with my Priestly Blessing.”
December 13, 2002 – “Praise be to Jesus. My brothers and sisters, tonight I request your prayers for all priests that they may sacrifice themselves for the holiness of others. Pray that priests are open to the truth which is the Divine Will of God. And I’m extending to you tonight my Priestly Blessing.”
Source: Holy Love Ministries