“Children, today, I advise you, cling to Christian values in the face of the influx of lies put forth by the mainstream media. It is important that you do not allow righteousness to become compromised. This country* must not lose its identity in the attempts by many to establish a One World Order. It must be one nation under God always. Borders must be maintained. Illegal immigrants must be addressed as illegal. While One World Order is presented as charitable unity, it is really paving the way for the One World Rule of the Antichrist.”
“Consider yourself warned. Those who refuse to listen will recognize the Truth too late. The president whom is being thrust upon you (Biden) was not the choice of the majority of the people. He supports infanticide which is abortion even up to the moment of birth. This would never be the choice of a Christian. This is why you must maintain your Christian values in the face of mainstream compromise. Be a patriot. Ask the angel ‘Glory’ to help you.** Heaven does not accept the lie that President Trump lost the election.”
** See Message dated November 14, 2020:
November 14, 2020 – The Blessed Virgin Mary says:
“Praise be to Jesus. My daughter (to the seer Maureen), the enemy of your freedoms – the liberalists – are trying to destroy the patriotism in the hearts of all Americans. In so doing they are hoping to open the door to the One World Order. I am sending you an angel.”
She (Blessed Virgin Mary) now has an angel with Her who has the U.S. flag across her chest from one shoulder to her waist. Our Lady says:
“Her name is ‘Glory’. She is going to help to strengthen sincere patriotism in the heart of this nation.”*