Do not fill your hearts with lack of trust in the Lord’s Provision
Holy LoveDecember 29December 292022 Messages
December 28, 2022 – Children, I wish so much each of you could have knelt with Joseph and Myself next to the manger. There was pure peace, perfect...
You will recognize Me if you choose to stay close to Me
Holy LoveDecember 28December 282022 Messages
December 27, 2022 – Children, allow the spirit of the first Christmas to stay alive in your hearts throughout the year by praying often during your working...
December 26, 2022 - Sometimes, you try so hard to please others and you are unsuccessful. My Son and I reciprocate all your efforts to please Us by placing joy...
The present moment is My Gift to each of you on this Christmas Day
Holy LoveDecember 26December 262022 Messages
December 25, 2022 - My children, today, as you celebrate the Birth of the Lord, realize that every present moment is a special gift from Me to you. Perhaps the...
December 21, 2022 - These days, many suffer for the Truth. My chosen ones suffer so that the Truth can be made known to all. Every sacrifice and prayer make...
December 20, 2022 - Yes, I knew that the manger would be the hallowed place of His Birth. I called the animals to gather at the manger so that their warm...
December 19, 2022 - Do not focus on material goods, but on the difference My Son's arrival in the manger has made in the world. His Nativity has given hope to...
December 4, 2022 – Notice I call you to prepare your hearts. The environment, music, gifts are of no consequence. If your heart is ready for Jesus, then you...
December 3, 2022 – It should be a Christmas centered on personal holiness, not the material aspect of a commercial holiday. Spiritually place yourselves next...
Prepare your hearts for the birth of My Son
Holy LoveDecember 14December 142021 Messages
December 13, 2021 - "Be childlike in anticipation of this great event. Empty your hearts of worry and concern and allow Me to fill your hearts with the grace...
Children, if you would, take a mystical journey with Me
Holy LoveDecember 8December 82021 Messages
December 7, 2021 - "Please pray to be able to keep your hearts detached from the world this Christmas season and remain there in the stable next to the manger."
December 5, 2021 - "The greatest gift you can give anyone is your unfailing love. If your heart is cleansed of any self-interest, it is natural to give of...