May 17, 2022 - "Remain always in the Arms of Hope. While you may not see a solution to a problem, I am Omnipotent and My Grace can overpower any evil. The soul...
October 7, 2021 - "Bring to fruition the grand scale of My Victory through your rosaries. You hold in your hands a weapon greater than any weapon of mass...
If you are a warrior of Truth, then you are part of the Faithful Remnant
Holy LoveSeptember 30September 302021 Messages
September 28, 2021 – "The Faithful Remnant must remain united in the Truth which will carry you through these days of torment into the final victory"
The victory is in the acceptance of My Father’s Divine Will
Holy LoveSeptember 16September 162021 Messages
September 14, 2021 - "My acceptance of My bitter Passion and Death changed the spiritual world forever. It opened the Gates of Paradise to every repentant...
Always pray with faith-filled hearts
Holy LoveApril 13April 132021 Messages
April 13, 2021 - "Always depend upon the safety of My Paternal Heart, for I am with you to the end. According to My Impregnable Will, you will be led to...
April 4, 2021 - "It is a Victory which dumbfounded Satan. The morning was still and peaceful, in stark contrast to the stormy clatter of Good Friday"
March 26, 2021- "It is free will that governs the future of every soul and the future of the world. It behooves each soul to align his free will with the...