Everything is judged by merit of obedience to My Commandments
Holy LoveFebruary 21February 212023 Messages
February 20, 2023 – The way for the sinner to have his own way is to make his way one with My Divine Will. To that end, become proficient in the...
Children, adore the Holy Love in your hearts
Holy LoveJanuary 28January 282023 Messages
January 27, 2023 – It is by means of Holy Love you are able to obey My Commandments. This is how you will be judged - by virtue of the degree of Holy Love in...
November 8, 2022 - Children, you cannot attain personal holiness unless you obey My Commandments. These are the building blocks you must use towards your...
Prepare your hearts as though it were your last breath on earth
Holy LoveSeptember 12September 122022 Messages
September 10, 2022 – Children, continue in your efforts for the conversion of the heart of the world. Never before in history have morals been so compromised...
Children, allow Me to captivate your hearts with Holy Love
Holy LoveSeptember 3September 32022 Messages
August 29, 2022 – This is the way to true holiness and in living in the Truth. So many, these days, remain bound up in worldly pursuits. When your heart is...
Do not look for others’ approval
Holy LoveAugust 13August 132022 Messages
August 8, 2022 – People's opinions of you do not matter. I judge you apart from all others' opinions. I look at your devotion to My Commandments and your...
May 18 2022 - "It is in the present moment you win or lose your salvation. Live accordingly. Do not allow the present moment to escape your grasp. Be...
Every soul is responsible for his own salvation
Holy LoveFebruary 11February 112022 Messages
February 10, 2022 - "People do not live as though their lives on earth are a testing ground towards their own salvation. The opinion of earning salvation is...
The soul’s judgment is the accounting of his efforts to earn Heaven
Holy LoveFebruary 10February 102022 Messages
February 7, 2022 - "Children, at your judgment, the soul's values are convicted in the Truth. What seemed so important in the world, he holds in the Light of...
November 29, 2021 - "Children, this bears repeating. You are on earth to earn your eternal resting place. The only way to obtain eternal salvation is by...
Trust My Inspirations that I place in your hearts
Holy LoveNovember 17November 172021 Messages
November 16, 2021 - "When you stand before My Son in judgment, your salvation will depend upon how much you loved Me and the others I put in your lives"
The Messages are the greatest gift I can offer you in this world
Holy LoveNovember 17November 172021 Messages
November 15, 2021 - "Children, when you pray to Mary, Protectress of the Faith, the Holy Mother* intercedes for you, holding your faith in Her Most Immaculate...