

December 12, 2022 – Praise be to Jesus. Dear children, I am here in your midst - the Protectress of your Faith and Virginal Mother of all mankind. I come to...

July 6, 2022 – "Every present-moment situation or difficulty must be deposited in the trust you hold in your heart for My Love and My Provision. There is no...

June 9, 2022 – "My Will is always your salvation. Therefore, everything is for your spiritual good if you accept it as such. My Will for you is your peace"

June 7, 2022 – "When you cannot pray, you are not at peace. It is then, you face challenges - spiritually and emotionally. So, you must understand, Satan's...

May 31, 2022 - "Children, every present moment you spend on earth trying to please Me will be so greatly rewarded in Heaven. Satan is in every doubt which...

May 20 2022 - "The more you trust, the deeper your peace. It is when you start to worry about weaknesses in My Provision that you lose your peace. Peace helps...