

December 12, 2022 – Praise be to Jesus. Dear children, I am here in your midst - the Protectress of your Faith and Virginal Mother of all mankind. I come to...

July 6, 2022 – "Every present-moment situation or difficulty must be deposited in the trust you hold in your heart for My Love and My Provision. There is no...

June 9, 2022 – "My Will is always your salvation. Therefore, everything is for your spiritual good if you accept it as such. My Will for you is your peace"

June 7, 2022 – "When you cannot pray, you are not at peace. It is then, you face challenges - spiritually and emotionally. So, you must understand, Satan's...

May 31, 2022 - "Children, every present moment you spend on earth trying to please Me will be so greatly rewarded in Heaven. Satan is in every doubt which...

May 20 2022 - "The more you trust, the deeper your peace. It is when you start to worry about weaknesses in My Provision that you lose your peace. Peace helps...

Messaggi del Santo Amore