

July 31, 2022 – Perhaps it is love of possessions or appearance. Perhaps it is love of an esteemed reputation. These are all things which are passing and of...

July 18, 2021 - "Even the smallest sin creates space between the soul and My Paternal Heart. The holiest person may not be so holy after all, if he has...

June 8, 2021 - "Once on the road of conversion, the soul must make every effort to remain there. Satan does not rest. He places every distraction in the way"

March 11, 2021 - "When you understand that deeper holiness is dependent upon deeper humility, it is then necessary to explore ways in which you fail in...

March 10, 2021 - "This Holy Love is the basis of all personal holiness and what you finally will be judged on. When in Truth you search your heart for faults...

March 9, 2021 - "This self-knowledge is the building block of your 'house' of personal holiness. Humility is the mortar that holds these building blocks...

August 27, 2020 - "Pray to Me first before you slip into Satan's traps of rash judgment and unforgiveness. I desire peace amongst all people and all nations"

Messaggi del Santo Amore