December 30, 2022 – Praise be to Jesus. Dear children, the purpose of these Messages and all the graces attendant to this property is to change hearts from...

June 11, 2022 – "It is Satan who presents so many reasons as to why change would be negative. Always search out My Will in change"

March 21, 2022 - "Children, as the time and seasons move on, I am calling you also to change just as each season brings change. Every Message is a call to...

Pray daily for the conversion of the heart of the world
Holy LoveOctober 11October 112021 Messages
October 10, 2021 – "Pray daily for the conversion of the heart of the world. The next moment he knows Jesus and is filled with the warmth of the Holy Spirit"

June 7, 2021 - "Your conversion consists in making Jesus first in your hearts and so too, Me, your Papa God. This needs to be an ongoing attitude"