August 23, 2022 – Take for instance the peaceful conversion of Russia which was brought about by much prayer. As that prayer intention tapered off, Russia is...

I invite each soul to take inventory of where he stands before Me
Holy LoveDecember 31December 312020 Messages
December 31, 2020 - "What does the soul see as an effort to come closer to Me in the year 2021? Has he made an effort to come closer to Me by strict adherence...

Have hope in your hearts that I will help this nation
Holy LoveDecember 30December 302020 Messages
December 29, 2020 - "I have not given this country a place of leadership in the world only to have it destroyed by outside agitators who seek to control the...

Be courageous in the name of democracy
Holy LoveDecember 28December 282020 Messages
December 28, 2020 - "I tell you, solemnly, nefarious agents are at work trying to destroy many nations which have, until now, stood independent from evil...

I do not support untruth
Holy LoveDecember 28December 282020 Messages
December 26, 2020 - "However, the errors perpetuated by lies have affected the past and the future. Whole nations have been affected by Satan's lies"

Search your hearts
Holy LoveDecember 26December 262020 Messages
December 26, 2020 - "The enemy of salvation tries to come between Me and each soul so as to weaken the heart of the world"

For the Holy Remnant still listening, I celebrate with you today
Holy LoveDecember 26December 262020 Messages
December 25, 2020 - "The first Christmas dawned on a world in much strife due to dishonesty in hearts - hearts which did not want to share the world with a...