“Children, you are living in times when modern forms of travel and communication have made it quite easy for Satan to influence hearts and lives. Evil forms of entertainment, lifestyles and dress codes are no longer confined to certain locations, but are spread all over and accepted by the evil use of mass media.”
“You, as My Remnant Faithful, must not be discouraged by the proliferation of evil all around you. Stand united in prayer and strong in righteousness and Truth as I have been instructing you. Be positive in a negative world. It is your prayers which help Me to change one heart at a time – hearts that you may never see or know about in this lifetime. Allow Me to use your prayers as I see fit and never submit to discouragement. While all around you is confusion and unpredictable turns of events, I am calling you, My children, to be the ‘salt of the earth’ – unscathed by the bad – even sinful decisions of others. It is through you I will strengthen the world population in the Truth.”
“While Satan wants you to think your best efforts are not good enough, I tell you, to Me they are everything.”