“Despite mankind’s indebtedness to Me, I never reject a repentant heart. Sorrow for sins is the key to My Mercy. My Mercy is from age to age and endures forever. The human heart must be convicted of his wrongdoing and regret his sins. Then, I will flood his soul with My Unbounded Mercy.”
“Today, however, I do not see that there is regret on the part of politicians in their role for easy access to abortion. They do not live in the Truth of good versus evil. Rather, they view their office as the means of their infallibility. But, My Commandments do not change or bend according to a soul’s importance in the world. Every soul – no matter his station in the world – is liable to My Judgment which is based upon his obedience to My Commandments. The Truth is life begins at conception – anyone who interferes with the human life thereafter is guilty of murder. This cannot be changed because of unpopularity.”
“Mankind’s acceptance or rejection of this determines the future of his soul.”