“I create each soul to ultimately come into My House which is Heaven – Paradise. A place is preserved for each soul and is only lost if the soul is lost. My House is a place of comfort and light. Once herein, the soul sees all and knows all. He can travel anywhere with a thought. He sees colors which do not exist in the world. He is always in My Presence and united to My Divine Will. Since there is no time or space in Heaven, if the soul desires to be present at My Son’s* Nativity, he is there. Whatever brings him joy is My Will for him in Paradise.”
“My House only closes its doors on the unfortunate souls who do not live to please Me while they are in the world. When a soul makes wrongful choices in his earthly existence, his only hope of entering My House is a repentant heart before he draws his last breath. The doors of My House are always open to the repentant sinner.”
“Choose well, My children. Your place in My House awaits you.”