Feast of Pope Saint John Paul II
“More and more, My faithful Remnant is being defined by the evil all around them. Now you have ‘sanctuaries’ of sin in the world where those who live in sin go unchallenged by authorities. Even worse and more far-reaching is the Pope’s approval of homosexuality.* He is approving of the same sin that chose My Wrath in Sodom and Gomorrah. This has far-reaching effects on the whole world. Pray that this Pope realizes he is the Vicar of Christ – a symbol of obedience to My Commandments in the world. He is leading millions astray. Moreover, he is listening to the wrong spirit and in this decision he is not infallible.”**
“Once again, children, I warn you, do not obey just title. Pay heed to the fruits of what those in authority stand for. These are nefarious times. Truth is a victim.”
**Infallible means freedom from error in teaching the universal Church in matters of faith or morals.