Volume 1 – St. Thomas Aquinas explains Holy Love

Holy Love is Truth. No theology under Church Authority - no Church Tradition - no Scripture, contradicts what you have been given in this Revelation of the Chambers of the United Hearts

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love

The Chambers of the United Hearts

Chambers of the United Hearts


August 28, 2001 – the revelation of the Chambers of the United Hearts is a school of theology

St. Thomas Aquinas sits down next to me in the chapel. He nods towards the tabernacle and says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. Child, I have come to help you understand that the revelation of the Chambers of the United Hearts is a school of theology. If you searched the depths of scripture or the heights of theological study, you would not find a more concise path towards salvation culminating in union with the Divine Will.”

“Jesus has given the world, through you, a seemingly simple spiritual roadmap. He has only just begun to expound upon the depths of this journey. You may never understand yourself the complexities of this revelation, but I am here to tell you that the entire journey is based on trustful surrender through love.”

“If you remember this, you will begin to ferret out all that opposes this maxim in your own heart. Then you will see the obstacles Satan places before you that hinder your journey through these Sacred Chambers. You can make this known.”


August 29, 2001 – How you achieve this elusive trustful surrender through love

St. Thomas Aquinas is here. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. You question how you achieve this elusive trustful surrender through love. First and foremost, love Jesus with your whole heart. Then accept whatever He sends you in every present moment. This means, dear one, you grow to love the Will of God. When you make plans, if God sends a different plan, you embrace it, all the while knowing His plan is best for you.”

“Let me show you the opposite of trustful surrender through love. This would be a person who cannot let go of his wants. He sets goals and does not want God to have His say. He cannot give up control and be indifferent as to the outcome of a situation. This way of thinking says to Jesus and the Father: ‘I love my will, not Yours’.”

“Do you see the difference? Trustful surrender through love takes a humble stand–always waiting and watching for God’s Will. Try to assimilate what I have told you today. Pray for the grace to do so.”


August 30, 2001 – No theology,  no Church Tradition – no Scripture, this Revelation of the Chambers of the United Hearts

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. You just can’t believe I’m here again, can you?”

“I have come to tell you this: Holy Love is Truth. The United Hearts Revelation is the embrace of all Truth. All that I wrote in the ‘Summa’ bears out in Truth in this Revelation. This is because no theology under Church Authority – no Church Tradition – no Scripture, contradicts what you have been given in this Revelation of the Chambers of the United Hearts. You must make this known.”


September 3, 2001 – Jesus spoke to you about the Church of Atonement

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“I have come, once again, in Praise of Jesus. Early on, when Jesus first inscribed Messages on your heart, He spoke to you about the Church of Atonement. This, as He explains it, is a mystical Church in Heaven built by each soul. It is constructed of the crosses and sacrifices that the soul surrenders to God towards the conversion of others or in reparation for his own sins.”

“Some souls may build great cathedrals which Jesus welcomes them into, in paradise, for they suffer much and complain little. Others offer nothing to the Lord–complain about every discomfort and do not earn for themselves a high place in Heaven. The Church of Atonement is Jesus’ way of saying: ‘Do great things for Me with the crosses I lend you to bear’.”


September 10, 2001 – The Revelation of the Chambers of the United Hearts – is much of what Jesus taught in the Temple

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He bows to the Blessed Sacrament. Angels help him into a seat next to me. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. Listen, angel, that which Heaven is teaching here – the Revelation of the Chambers of the United Hearts – is much of what Jesus taught in the Temple. Of course He did not refer to the Immaculate Heart as Holy Love, but still and all, it is the same spiritual journey Jesus attempted to lead the Pharisees on. He did not achieve His goal as they were steeped in spiritual pride.”

“This spiritual pride tells a person he has all the answers. He is satisfied with where he is spiritually. In a word he is sanctimonious. The Message and the fruits it bears may be all around him, and yet he does not see it. Spiritual pride is deadly. It is like trying to reach a destination blindfolded, refusing to be led or to remove the blindfold because the soul presumes he knows his way.”

“Everything about trustful surrender which embraces this Message has to do with free will. If through spiritual pride the soul thinks he is in the right place spiritually, he will not move his will to enter the First Chamber.”

“Believe me, this profound Message carries with it abundant grace to enter the First Chamber. All that is needed is a humble ‘yes’.”


September 24, 2001 – Here is the passport to salvation and holiness. It is Holy Love

St. Thomas Aquinas was seated in the pew in front of me. This time he has on a little white beanie. He turns half-way around with his big arm over the back of the pew, but his eyes never moved from the direction of the tabernacle. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“I come in praise of Jesus. Sister, everything is reaching fever pitch now and becoming critical. God needs to be in the heart of your nation. As it is, the people have replaced love of God first with love of self first. This is reflected in the laws, in the schools and in consumerism.”

“It is no wonder the Church is under attack here. Religious vocations are not respected. Heaven’s call to personal holiness is, for the most part ignored. But here you have the answer–the key to world peace. Here is the passport to salvation and holiness. It is Holy Love.”

“No one can in Truth come into Our Mother’s Heart which is Holy Love without a conviction of conscience. This is the key to change–in souls, in the nation and in the world. It takes humility to respond to an illumination of conscience.”

He finally turns and looks me in the eye.

“Humility and Holy Love go hand in hand.”


October 20, 2001 – I come to explain to you God’s Permitting Will

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Today I come in praise of Jesus, Lord and Savior. I come to explain to you God’s Permitting Will. Think of God’s Divine Will as a great umbrella protecting the earth. God’s Will protects from all evil. But God does not interfere with the free will of man. Now, when man chooses to oppose God’s Will and sins, it is as though a hole is made in the umbrella. Then the protection of the Father’s Will is not complete as He planned it to be. This ‘hole’ allows or permits Satan to come in and execute his plans. So you see, God’s Permitting Will is not what He chooses for humanity, but what man chooses and God allows.”

“It causes the Eternal Father great pain to see what man opens himself up to through sin. Our Heavenly Mother weeps. Oh, how She weeps to see the destruction brought about by sin. You should make this known.”


October 21, 2001 – Every sin affects the whole world just as every prayer said from the heart affects the whole world

Why do bad things happen to good people? I (Maureen) was asking in my heart why do good people suffer when this hole in the umbrella of God’s Divine Will is made. St. Thomas Aquinas came. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. It is because every sin affects the whole world just as every prayer said from the heart affects the whole world. This should help you realize the power of the present moment. The heart must be given over to Holy Love so that every thought, word and deed proceeds from Holy Love.”


October 24, 2001 – You have been invited on a journey which leads to your sanctification and to Heaven

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“I come in praise of Jesus. My brothers and sisters, today you have been invited on a journey–a journey which leads to your sanctification and to Heaven itself.”

“Our Lady’s Victory and the Triumph of the United Hearts is in your hands now, for the battle will only be won through Love. When you allow Holy Love to consume your heart, Our Lady is already triumphant in your heart. But you must spread the victory to other hearts by making this journey known.”

“Do not waste time trying to evaluate which Chamber you are in. To do so would be presumption. Jesus alone is the Judge. Just keep moving forward as you would on any journey. Do not be satisfied with where you are on the journey. The goal is perfection through love. Nor should you be discouraged by comparing your journey in love to another, for I tell you, each one’s journey is different.”

Everyone is given the grace to reach the Fifth Chamber, but few there are who abide there. This is because they do not respond to the small graces along the way. They await a colossal grace that may never come.”

“Keep this in mind: Your eternal reward rests upon the amount of Holy Love in your heart as you take your last breath. It has always been so. This spiritual journey is the precious pearl you must abandon all else to pursue. Make it known.”


October 31, 2001 – Times are perilous. It is time for families to be consecrated to the United Hearts and to make a personal consecration to The Flame of Holy Love

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He bows and prays before the tabernacle. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus.” (He sits with great effort). You know the times are perilous. There is much speculation about the future. People live in fear, not trust. It is time for families to be consecrated to the United Hearts and to make a personal consecration to The Flame of Holy Love. This will be like the lamb’s blood on the portal of their hearts and homes. Evil will pass over them and by them.”

“Teams should be appointed from each site where the mission is strong to accomplish this. Pictures of the United Hearts and the Refuge of Holy Love should be displayed in the homes after the consecration.”

“You will find readings in Chronicles and Exodus.* I will lead you. This is a Holy Task. He winks and says, ‘Let’s do it together’.”

*2 Chronicles Chapter 7, vs. 16 “For now I have chosen and consecrated this house so that My Name may be there forever; My Eyes and My Heart will be there for all time.”

*Exodus Chapter 12, vs. 7 and vs. 13 “Then they shall take some of the blood and put it on the two doorposts and the lintel of the houses in which they eat them. The blood shall be a sign for you, upon the houses where you are; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague shall fall upon you to destroy you when I smite the land of Egypt.”


November 4, 2001 – Small pictures of the United Hearts and the Refuge of Holy Love will suffice in the homes

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. This is an important consecration. It must not be taken lightly or in a cavalier manner. Therefore, in the areas where there are enough people, teams should be appointed to go out and accomplish this in homes. But there are many in scattered areas who will very much desire this to be done, but there will not be enough people to achieve it. They can perform the ceremony themselves. Small pictures of the United Hearts and the Refuge of Holy Love will suffice in the homes. These can be given out for free. Begin at once!”


November 12, 2001 – Each time faith in God’s plan is tested, it is to bring you deeper into trust, not into panic and fear

St. Thomas Aquinas comes, bows to the Holy Eucharist, turns and says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. I have come to help you understand the eternal depths of God’s Divine Will. Each time faith in God’s plan is tested, it is to bring you deeper into trust, not into panic and fear. The one who trusts does not fear. Satan is in fear. Remember, Scripture has it, ‘Fear is useless; what is needed is trust’.”

“Now, there is a distinct difference between faith and trust. Faith is belief in something that you cannot experience with your senses–that is, you cannot see it, touch it, hear it or smell it. Trust is the surrender to faith. Trust itself is invisible, but you know you are deep into trust when you are at peace.”

“God’s infinite plan for each soul–His Provision and Will–is not visible to the human eye, nor understood in the human intellect. Therefore, to understand God’s Will is simply to accept that God alone is the Master Weaver of the tapestry of each life. The threads that make up the tapestry are the moment to moment graces God gives that lead each soul to his salvation. No one is called outside of God’s Will or to oppose God’s plan. It is Satan who inspires every sin, but free will that acts upon evil inspiration. However, free will is part of God’s plan, and He continually gives fresh graces to overcome the effects of sin.”

“This is a profound teaching–study and meditate upon it. Ask for the grace to understand it.”


November 14, 2001 – The depth of your trust reflects the depth of your love. Trust is the barometer of your love

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. I have come to help you comprehend why Jesus beseeches your trust in Him daily. It is because the depth of your trust reflects the depth of your love. Trust is the barometer of your love. When you have deep sentiments of love for someone, you welcome the opportunity to demonstrate your trust in him. When you trust you place your faith in him. It is a grace, then, to be given the opportunity to trust, for it is a way of showing your love and affection.”

“On the other hand you must see attacks against trust as either human weakness or evil inspiration. Oppose these thoughts by invoking Mary Protectress of the Faith and Refuge of Holy Love.”

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love

Messaggi del Santo Amore