Volume 2 – St. Thomas Aquinas explains Holy Love

"Jesus described Heaven to us when He walked the earth, as a precious gem worth more than any--a gem so precious that we should give up all we own to possess it. That gem, indeed Heaven itself, is Holy Love"

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love

The Chambers of the United Hearts

Chambers of the United Hearts


January 14, 2002 – First Chamber of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary. It is the Immaculate Heart of Mary–Holy Love

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. I have come to introduce to the world the First Chamber of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary. It is the Immaculate Heart of Mary–Holy Love. It is God’s Will.”

“Jesus described Heaven to us when He walked the earth, as a precious gem worth more than any–a gem so precious that we should give up all we own to possess it. That gem, indeed Heaven itself, is Holy Love. Yes, Holy Love is that precious–that important. For without our ‘yes’ to Holy Love there is no salvation.”

“Holy Love is the two great laws of love–love God above all else and your neighbor as self. These are the commandments Jesus said we must follow if we wish to reach Heaven. When you begin to read these messages–when you begin to live these messages–you will realize Holy Love is Heaven on earth.”

“The peace of the world was entrusted to the Immaculate Heart of Mary at Fatima. The peace of the world depends on your efforts to live in Holy Love and to propagate these messages. I will assist you.”


January 17, 2002 – There is a distinct difference between admonishing the sinner which is a spiritual work of mercy, and criticism

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. I have come to confirm to you that there is a distinct difference between admonishing the sinner which is a spiritual work of mercy, and criticism. The first arises as a loving warning designed to build up the Body of Christ. Criticism is a judgment which rises from a tumultuous heart and bears the fruit of disunity. Criticism forms in a heart not seeking the welfare of its target, but imagining motives of actions and accepting these as Truth. The heart that does not recognize this negative criticism as an evil inspiration is easily deceived in believing his criticism is an admonition designed to build up rather than tear down.”

“There is a fine line of discernment here, but a vast difference in the fruits of each action. A loving admonition can be easily accepted and acted upon. A negative criticism wounds and fosters resentment.”

“This is why each soul must learn to act and speak only out of Holy Love.”


January 21, 2002 – Through this disordered love of evil, the soul cooperates with evil

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He bows his head to greet me. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“I bow to you for the Living Christ dwells within the temple of your heart. All praise be to Jesus.”

“My sister, today there are many distractions in your life. Jesus desires that you consecrate your day to Holy Love. He sends me to repeat to you this prayer:

“Heavenly Father, I consecrate my heart in this present moment to Holy Love. Keep me mindful of this throughout the day so that all my thoughts and actions will proceed from Holy Love. I cover this petition with the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, your Son, and surround it with the Tears of His Most Sorrowful Mother. Amen.”

“You see, when a sin is committed it is because the soul loves the sin more than God and neighbor. Through this disordered love of evil, the soul cooperates with evil. This is so in the sin of gossip, detraction and rash judgment, just as it is with any sin. The soul may have fallen into the secret habit of sin–that of negative criticism about others in his thoughts. In this way he cooperates with the evil spirit of criticism, and soon it is in his words and actions, as well.”

“The spirit of criticism often travels in clusters with the spirit of rejection, perfectionism, unforgiveness and others. This is why standing guard over your thoughts is so important. For what forms in your thoughts easily takes over the whole heart.”

He leaves.


January 26, 2002 – This is the whole and the sum of sanctification–trustful surrender to the Divine Will of God in every present moment

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. My sister, this is the whole and the sum of sanctification–trustful surrender to the Divine Will of God in every present moment. In this trust is love. In this surrender is humility. In love, humility and conformity to God’s Will is self-denial.”

“The soul who reaches for sanctity must completely surrender what he wants for what God wants. He puts God in the center of his heart and roots out self. It is impossible for the one who is self-absorbed to reach the heights of this surrender, for he views everything as to how it affects himself. He looks for self-gain in everything. He trusts in himself more than in God, for his love of God is imperfect. His existence revolves around his own welfare and not what God wills for him.”

“The soul who pursues sanctification, however, tries to accept all things as from the Hand of God. He sees God’s Will in every situation. He understands that God is working with him, drawing him into sanctification. Therefore, he does not see God’s Will as a sharp edged sword, but as a blazing beam of light illuminating the path he is called to follow.”

“Inordinate self-love cannot choose Divine Love, for the two conflict just as the flesh opposes the spirit. But this Message of the Chambers of the United Hearts calls each one to take off the old and put on the new. This is the essence of sanctity.”


January 28, 2002 – Very often the one thing that blocks the path to sanctity is an envious heart

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. Today I have come to speak to you once again about sanctity. Very often the one thing that blocks the path to sanctity is an envious heart. This is because people generally do not recognize this form of evil in their hearts and, therefore, do not root it out.”

“Envy is just another form of self-love. The soul that is self-absorbed is consumed with feeding his own needs spiritually, physically and emotionally. He is insidiously filled with the desire to be the best looking, have the best clothes, best home, best family, best reputation. Often envy can be pinpointed through an ambitious spirit.”

“The type of envy most offensive to Jesus is spiritual envy. The person wants everyone to know about the graces he receives as though he were the author of each grace, and as though he deserved them.”

“But envy goes beyond wanting the best. Envy wants what his neighbor has. He is not happy at his neighbor’s good fortune–physical, spiritual or emotional, but wants everything his neighbor has for himself. So you see, ambition turns to greed, and greed to jealousy.”

“But at the root of all envy is the same self-consuming love that is at the root of all sin. If this self-absorption goes unchecked, it gallops away like a runaway horse holding the heart captive, insuring spiritual destruction.”

“The soul that gives in to envy does not understand his place before God. If he did, he would accept God’s Will in the present moment and desire no more – no less – than this portion for himself.”


February 20, 2002 – I have come to elaborate on the Kingdom of Divine Love: Heaven itself

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He bows towards the Blessed Sacrament, turns to me and says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. I have come to elaborate on the Kingdom of Divine Love–Heaven itself–which the Lord has started to speak to you about.”

“In this Kingdom all the senses that the body had in the world are attendant to the soul in Heaven. But in the Kingdom of Divine Love, the senses are purified just as the soul is purified. There is no more pain–no more impairment of any kind. The soul sees color in its purest form–colors he never knew existed. He hears and sees and speaks to the Holy Trinity, the angels and the saints. He can hold more than one conversation at a time for there are no constrictions of time or space.”

“The soul can bi-locate, even be in multiple places in Heaven at one time. All knowledge is given to each soul and is perfect. All truth is known and accepted. What was held fragile and vulnerable on earth is strong in Heaven. The best part of Heaven, however, is that love is perfect. Nothing interferes with your love of the Blessed Trinity. Each soul praises and adores God forever.”

“Then of course, the soul has unlimited access to the Holy Mother of God. Do you desire Her tender embrace? It is given. Do you wish to speak privately to Her? Choose your time. Would you like Her to pray with you in intercession? She will never refuse you, just as She never refuses anyone now. In Heaven She will accompany you to the throne of Her Son and place your petitions at His Feet.”

“This is what perfect love is about. This is how beautiful perfection is. This is the paradise each one is called to and created for.”


February 21, 2002 – The Kingdom of the Divine Will and the Kingdom of Divine Love are one

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He bows to the monstrance and says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. I have come to invite all to understand that as the souls in Heaven are in union with the Divine Will of God, the souls in such union on earth possess the Kingdom of Divine Love within their own hearts. Always keep in mind that the Kingdom of the Divine Will and the Kingdom of Divine Love are one. The two do not exist apart.”

“Make this known.”


February 23, 2002 – I come to help you understand the close alliance between the United Hearts Revelation and the new dogma

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. I come to help you understand the close alliance between the United Hearts Revelation and the new dogma. First of all, it is important that you think of the Heart of Mary as a Holy and Sacred passageway between the Heart of Jesus and all of earth. No grace (that is, nothing good) comes to earth except through this passageway. Since the Immaculate Heart of Mary is Holy Love and Holy Love is God’s Divine Will, it can be said that every grace God wills for the world is mediated through Holy Love. Therefore, it follows that Our Lady is Mediatrix.”

“Next, understand that because the Heart of Mary is united to the Heart of Her Son, She suffered integrally His Passion. She was not just an onlooker, but She suffered the Passion united to Jesus. Her wounds were mystical only because the union of the Two Hearts is mystical. Therefore, She is Co-Redemptrix.”

“As Advocate, understand that the passageway of Mary’s Immaculate Heart is a two-way passage. Every prayer and sacrifice that anyone gives to Jesus first passes through the Heart of His Mother. Within the Flame of Her Heart the Blessed Mother purifies each petition and sacrifice before sending it on to the Heart of Her Beloved Son. Therefore, She is Advocate.”

“Meditate upon these truths. I will help you to understand them.”


March 22, 2002 – Pray for the grace of Truth to come into your heart today

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. Today I have come to help you understand this very basic tenet. This is what determines the soul’s destiny–indeed, his place for all eternity. What is held most dear and precious at the center of each heart is the god that he worships. This is the reason each soul must search his own heart daily and from moment to moment to determine the object or objects of his greatest affection.”

“Pray for the grace of Truth to come into your heart today. Some people for all intents and purposes seem holy, but this is only on the outside. In their hearts they jealously guard their reputation. Others worship money and all it can buy–clothes, houses and even power.”

“But God searches out the humble, the simple, the unpretentious. He does not look for great intellects either. The intellect can be a great obstacle, I tell you, unless it is humbly submitted to the Will of God. It is only then God reveals His Truth to the heart. Everything in the heart has to be purified in the Flame of Holy Love, stripped of self-interest and surrendered to God to use as He chooses. Everything has a purpose and a place in God’s All-Knowing Plan, from the weather to the exposure of evil in hearts, to the greatest sacrifice–The Crucifixion.”

“Most often the fullness of God’s Will is not revealed to mere man. This is where each one is called to trust. Trust is the testing ground of love.”


March 23, 2002 – The intellect must be tamed, just as a wild beast is tamed

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. I thought you would never get here.” (I was delayed for various reasons.)

“When you are distracted by the affairs of the world or others’ problems, the Lord Jesus feels forsaken for He is no longer at the center of your heart.”

“But listen to what I have come to tell you. The intellect is a delicate thing. If it is governed by pride, it causes every kind of sin and error to come into the heart. This is how discernment crosses the line to judgment. It is how the guarding of reputation becomes more important than committing sin–sins of calumny, theft, abortion and manifold more.”

“The intellect must be tamed, just as a wild beast is tamed. The intellect must come under the rule of a humble, loving and simplistic heart. It is only in this way the soul which God created can be united to its Creator.”

“To advance in these virtues of humility, love and simplicity, the soul must ask the Lord for the grace of self-knowledge to see where he is failing in these virtues. Without the courage to do this, he will never conquer his disordered self-love which will motivate his thoughts, words and deeds.”

“It is only when the intellect and Holy Love in the heart work as one that the soul advances through the Chambers of the United Hearts.”


March 25, 2002 – Understand that Truth strips the soul of all pretense and sanctimony

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. Understand that Truth strips the soul of all pretense and sanctimony. Truth allows the soul to see himself as he stands before God. That is humility itself. Each one should pray for this grace daily. Never be puffed up–thinking yourself to be holy. That is one of Satan’s lies.”


April 3, 2002 –  Trust, remember, is the proving ground of love: the substance of love

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. I have come to help you understand that there is a common thread that runs through the tapestry of each one’s life. It is trust in God’s Will. Each soul is offered opportunities in his life to practice trust. Trust, remember, is the proving ground of love–the substance of love. The Lord stands back and patiently watches how each one deals with these opportunities to trust. The more the soul trusts in Divine Providence, the deeper he is drawn into the Chambers of the United Hearts.”

“Satan, of course, tries to weaken trust and presents doubts and fears to the heart. These anxieties pull the soul away from the path of holiness, and destroy the peace of each one who gives in to such worries.”

“Learn to recognize the enemy, then, when he attacks in such a way. All that opposes trust is from the adversary. Tighten the fabric of the tapestry God creates in your soul through trust. Do not allow the enemy to unravel this precious handiwork.”


April 21, 2002 – I have come to you today to speak about recent scandals within the Church

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. I have come to you today to speak about recent scandals within the Church. Some heretics use these unfortunate scandals as a platform to promote married priests and women priests. They neglect the fact that the Holy Father has already made decisions against both of these. Celibacy is not the cause of these problems. It is the evil that is in hearts, which is the cause.”

“You would never legalize theft because many people steal. Why change the laws set down by the Holy Father because some are too weak and open to evil to obey the laws. Remember that the cause of every sin is failure in Holy Love. The sinner places love of the sin above love of God and neighbor.”

“In the case of these scandals, just as guilty if not more, are the enablers–the ones who covered up the crime. Asking forgiveness in retrospect is not much consolation for the lost innocence of the victims.”

“We must pray for the Church to be healed from the inside out. We must pray that as She is stripped and purified, the remnant faithful will cling to their faith.”


June 29, 2002 – Beware the self-satisfied soul

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He bows to the Monstrance and says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. Beware the self-satisfied soul. Such a soul who does not seek a deeper spirituality is a lukewarm soul. His self-satisfaction threatens his very salvation; for the Lord offers and he rejects, thinking he need no more self-knowledge–he has all the grace he needs. This is the same as self-righteousness. It is such sanctimony in hearts that rejects private revelation, presuming they need no new devotions, and certainly no ‘alleged’ advice from Heaven.”

“Such as these think they have the answers and believe they are saved. But in the same breath, they overlook the obvious–the chance to become holy and to enter the Kingdom on the wings of love and humility. Yes, it is a very dangerous thing to be self-satisfied–to be spiritually smug. It is a sign to Heaven that you are only interested in salvation on your own terms.”

“Beware each one of this trap Satan lays for you.”


July 1, 2002 – How can the people of God combat the evil that has wrapped its tentacles around our society

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. Today the conscience of the world has become obtuse–that is, spiritually blind. It is as though a force has a stranglehold on the heart of the world preventing it from discerning evil.”

“All that grabs media attention–terrorism, violence, abortion, pedophilia, homosexuality, and even liberal feminism are evil spirits. Those who practice these things are cooperating with Satan. You will not read this in newspapers or hear it on TV, for the thrust is today to deal with the problem (if it is viewed as a problem), and not the cause which is evil itself.”

“How can the people of God combat the evil that has wrapped its tentacles around our society–even our churches and seminaries? Call it what it is. Do not be compliant with the evil by being silent or accepting terminology Satan inspires, like: alternate life style, planned parenthood, inclusive language, freedom of choice and more. Expose evil for what it is.”

“Pray the Rosary–the weapon of choice against Satan. It is no accident that many who embrace these evil spirits also oppose the Rosary. Make holy hours of adoration. Each holy hour weakens Satan’s kingdom. Have Masses said for those who cooperate with evil. The Mass is the most powerful prayer.”

“Most of all, do not be silent. Be a vocal force against Satan in the world today.”


July 24, 2002 – God, you know, is never fooled by exterior pretense

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He is standing next to a ladder. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. I have come today to give you this illustration of a soul’s journey into the Fourth Chamber of Divine Love. The ladder represents the Third Chamber of the United Hearts which is the perfection of virtue. Each step is a virtue. The side railings that the soul must cling to in order to climb up this ladder represent humility and love. Every virtue is fastened to Holy Humility–Holy Love. If it is not, it becomes unsteady and weakened. The virtue itself becomes false. The soul who is trying to climb, easily slips backwards.”

“I give you this graphic to show you how important humility and love are in the spiritual life. God, you know, is never fooled by exterior pretense. He sees clearly into every heart. Indeed, humility is knowing that you are nothing more than you are in the Eyes of God. True Holy Love is loving God’s Divine Will in the present moment. Neither of these virtues can be acquired through the intellect, but only in the heart; that is, you are not loving and humble by thinking that you are. These virtues come through the soul’s cooperation with the action of the Divine Will in their lives. Both of these virtues require a lessening of self-love. The more the soul loses sight of self, the more God fills the void.”

“These two virtues work together in the heart to lead the soul into the Fourth Chamber. One cannot work apart from the other. Without them the other virtues do not enter the heart.”

“I reveal this to make the climb easier. Pray to be open always to God’s Will for you.”


July 26, 2002 – I will describe for you the loving, humble soul as a goal to aim for

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“I have come in praise of Jesus, born Incarnate. In order for the soul to make a steady ascent up the ladder of virtue, he must have his hands firmly planted on both hand rails–Holy Love and Holy Humility. As he ascends, he reaches up higher on each side to pull himself to the next step. This action represents the soul’s deeper commitment to love and humility.”

“I will describe for you the loving, humble soul as a goal to aim for. Such a soul always places God first, ahead of self and neighbor. To do so, his thoughts, words and actions are towards pleasing the foremost object of his love. Through love of God, the soul loves his neighbor–seeing God’s creation in his neighbor. For love’s sake, he tries to overcome disordered self-love. This action embraces humility.”

“The humble soul regards all others as holier than himself. He knows his place before God and tries to please God. He does not look for faults in others, but looks for good. He is submissive to God’s Will in all things and in every way. He uses the goods of the world to give glory to God. In so doing, he does not consider cost to self. This means he does not look at how everything affects him. His thoughts, words and actions are turned towards God, not towards himself and the world. In essence he loses sight of himself. He is not concerned for his reputation in the world, but only for his relationship with God.”

“These hand rails of Holy Love and Holy Humility are not always easy to maintain a hold of. Satan tries to grease them with his temptations so that the soul loses his grip. It is only with the assistance of grace from the Heart of Our Heavenly Mother the soul can even begin the climb. If the hand should slip from one side or the other, Our Lady is there, placing the hand–finger by finger–back where it belongs.”


September 7, 2002 – If you want to know the Heart of God, listen to and follow these Messages

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He recites the Divine Praises; then he says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“All praise be to Jesus. I have come to ask those who hear these Messages on the Chambers of the United Hearts to stop judging the messenger and to live the Message. Who among you, after all, deems himself worthy to receive such a message. In Truth, no one is worthy. Yet, this Message has been freely given to the world through God’s Love and Mercy. The choice He made as His messenger–though seemingly unlikely–nevertheless was God’s choice.”

“If you want to know the Heart of God, listen to and follow these Messages that lead you into His Heart. If you wish to know how you will be judged for all eternity, read the Messages. If you wish to become a saint, adhere to these Messages until your heart is one with them.”

“No one can truly follow this spiritual journey without being drawn into the Divine Will of God, and without being drawn into a deeply sacramental life.”

“Look past any flaws you perceive in God’s choice as His messenger. After all, God cannot be mistaken. Look past the lack of high-powered approvals that, in Truth, are not necessary for your belief in this Revelation. In the future when approvals come, you will have missed a golden opportunity to become holy–even a saint.”


September 22, 2002 – I have come to help you understand the difference between presumption and hope

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He bows to the tabernacle saying:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. I have come to help you understand the difference between presumption and hope. They are opposites.”

“Presumption takes for granted–grace. The presumptuous person thinks he has what he does not have. He does not allow in his heart space for the action of God’s Divine Will. He would be like a ship caught in a turbulent sea that thinks he is safely docked.”

“Hope, on the other hand, is a virtue that practices expectant faith. The hopeful person believes God can accomplish anything if it is His Will to do so. He entrusts his needs and petitions to the Lord, and allows Him to answer as He wills. In hope, he may even thank God ahead of time for whatever the Divine decision may be. The difference is–he does not presume the answer to his petition. His would be the ship lost at sea–praying with expectant faith to find a safe harbor.”

“It is quite important to realize that Satan can mimic any gift of the Holy Spirit. The presumptuous person believes every inspiration to be from God, and does not test the Spirit. Remember, the only virtue Satan cannot imitate is humility, for he does not even understand it. So, in humility, be certain that you do not presume you have a certain gift or virtue.”


September 22, 2002 – I have come once again to discuss with you the difference between hope and presumption

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He bows towards me saying:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus ever present in your little heart when you are embracing Holy Love.”

“I have come once again to discuss with you the difference between hope and presumption.”

“The virtue of hope proceeds from a heart full of Holy Love, Holy Humility and Holy Trust. Such a heart is able to hope based on the faith that God desires only that which is best for him.”

“Presumption is based on pride. The presumptuous soul regards all things through the eyes of disordered self-love. He may presume he will be saved even though he leads an unrepentant life of sin. He believes he will receive salvation on his own terms, not God’s terms. Such a soul trusts only in himself and makes no allowance for God’s Will.”

“There are those in the world today–indeed in places of prominence–who believe they have certain virtues or even certain gifts of the Holy Spirit. But, once again I tell you that which is not based on humility of heart is Satan’s counterfeit.”


September 25, 2002 – I have come to help you better understand trustful surrender

St. Thomas Aquinas comes and says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. I have come to help you better understand trustful surrender. Once again I remind you, humility and love are the foundation of trust. When you trust, you believe no harm will come to you outside of God’s Will. You understand God’s Will for you is always your salvation. When you surrender to God’s Will, this means you give up your will. So, in trustful surrender you trust that God’s Will is always for your best, and you surrender your wants and opinions concerning the outcome of any situation–that is, you leave it up to God.”


October 7, 2002 – The Holy Mother has sent me to talk to you about the Rosary

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He bows before the tabernacle and says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. The Holy Mother has sent me to talk to you about the Rosary. Some people–even Church leaders–make light of it, you know. But the power of the Rosary has not changed over the centuries. If more would pray it, abortion would be recognized for what it is. The acceptance of abortion by any country’s leaders places the country in jeopardy; for this sin alone brings about wars, natural disasters, political confusion and economic collapse.”

“Devotion to the Holy Rosary places the soul under the Blessed Mother’s protection–certainly a place anyone should seek to be during these times. Carrying the rosary with you is a sign to Satan that you belong to Mary.”

“Meditation upon the mysteries of the Rosary brings the soul closer to Jesus, and leads him away from sin. The rosary is a decisive weapon against Satan’s kingdom in this world.”

“Once the soul begins daily recitation of the Rosary, the Blessed Mother pursues him–seeking his sanctity and deeper commitment to prayer.”

“Make this known.”


October 21, 2002 – Let’s talk about fear

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. Let’s talk about fear. If the heart is filled with Holy Love, there is no room for fear. Scripture has it: ‘Do not fear; only believe.’ (Mark 4:40). The depth with which one loves God is the depth of his trust. Then, see that imperfections in Holy Love open the door to fear.”

“Today, those who depend on themselves and the world around them have every reason to fear–for of themselves they are capable of no good. Rather, all good comes from God. Souls that do not love deeply enough cannot understand the ways in which God answers prayers, and grow impatient in waiting for God’s timing.”

“The souls that do not pray and do not see God’s hand in any turn of events are the ones who fear, who blame and who cannot forgive. Perhaps you have known some such as these.”

“Therefore, understand everything in the spiritual realm revolves around the depth of Holy Love in the heart.”


November 2, 2002 – What opposes love of God and neighbor always is rooted in excessive love of self

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. Little sister, hear and understand that the substance of what is in the spirit of the heart is always Holy and or Divine Love; or it is all that opposes it. What opposes love of God and neighbor always is rooted in excessive love of self. The person gives into temptations because he sees it will benefit him in some way. Therefore, he loves the sin more than God and neighbor, and he places himself first ahead of Holy Love.”

“So, when you are asked to pray from the heart, you must pray with Holy Love in your heart.”

“Make it known.”


November 11, 2002 – I have come to help each one see that the true enemy is that which opposes Holy Love in the heart

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. I have come to help each one see that the true enemy is that which opposes Holy Love in the heart. It is always insidious–even clothed in righteousness at times. But the culprit is always self-interest, self-love–above and ahead of God and neighbor. It may come into the heart as negative criticism of others–soon spawning unforgiveness–then bitterness. Self-love invites the soul to criticize others thus holding himself up in higher esteem. It may be love of material goods, sensuality or even love of his own opinion that drives Holy Love from the heart.”

“But where the cancer that consumes Holy Love begins is always inordinate self-love. This is why the conversion process always begins with loving God more than self. It is this love that opens the heart to the Flame of Holy Love.”


November 13, 2002 – Holy Love: that is, the Immaculate Heart of Mary, is the gateway to the New Jerusalem

St. Thomas Aquinas comes. He says:

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Holy Love“Praise be to Jesus. Please understand, small one, Holy Love–that is, the Immaculate Heart of Mary–is the gateway to the New Jerusalem. Then comprehend that the New Jerusalem is Divine Love–the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Divine Love–the Heart of our Savior–is the kingdom to come.”

“These truths remain far above you. Perhaps in this life you will never grasp it. When you pray for the kingdom to come ‘on earth as it is in Heaven’, you are praying for each heart to come into Divine Love. Taking this one step further–Divine Love is oneness with the Divine Will of God. So the kingdom to come is the establishment of the Divine Will of God reigning in every heart.”

“Here is yet another precept. You cannot separate Divine Love from the Divine Will of God. That would be like trying to separate the white from the yolk after the egg is scrambled.”

“The human heart that lives in concert with Divine Love spiritually is consumed by the Flame of Divine Love until they are one. Perhaps you could liken the notes of a symphony to the heart living in Divine Love. The whole orchestration is God’s Will and it would be impossible to separate the notes from it.”

“So, I have given you much to contemplate.”

He blesses me and smiles.