“Children, in the midst of chaos, reason will spring up and take root. This confusion concerning your Presidential election* is unprecedented. Steps will need to be taken to prevent a recurrence in any future election. There are people involved in this confusion who have given way to love of power and ambition. They do not however, love your country.** I am going to help your current President*** take charge and to discover the covered up ‘errors’ in tabulating the votes.”
“New laws will need to be put in place to prevent this from happening again. The first step to reversing any error is to acknowledge it and have a will to change it. This is happening now in your country. Therefore, there is no conclusive result in the election. Pray as never before that Truth is the victor in hearts and in this election.”
“The guilty parties should be ousted from office.”
** U.S.A.
*** President Donald J. Trump.