“When you embrace a candidate, it is an outward sign of your approval of his agenda. Do not be tricked by political vocabulary. If the candidate proclaims to be a progressive, he is telling you to expect a loose conscience as to his concerns for the consequences of his actions. During this age when even law and order is up for grabs, you should expect a ‘progressive candidate’ to be irresponsible in bringing violent perpetrators to justice.”
“The ‘progressive candidate’ in his leniency towards law and order will, in reality, threaten your freedoms. Take for example the term ‘sanctuary cities’. These are in fact pockets of debauchery where anything goes. No one can be safe in such an environment. All common everyday activity is given over to mob rule. Do not vote such a mentality into political power.”
“Defunding the police, the very ones who safeguard your freedoms and protect law and order, can be likened to teenage mentality rebelling against authority. This does not protect your freedom. It jeopardize it.”
“Be courageous and make courageous, mature and wise decisions when you vote. Do not vote your freedoms away. Vote to protect what you have as God-given rights. I have given you My Commandments. You do not need to be led by someone who endorses disobedience to Them. Your obedience to Me should be the barometer of a wise political choice and a worthy candidate. If you think freedom to sin is what you want, you will not choose wisely.”