“Children, you see with what honor the deceased Supreme Court Justice* is being treated. None of this matters. What counts is what was in her heart as she drew her last breath. What matters is each one’s state of soul before Me. People must understand that abortion is murder. Murder is against My Commandments. Decades ago, belief in abortion would have horrified the general public. Today, this Justice who raised the flag of abortion high is being lauded as a hero. See how distorted the morality of the heart of the world has become.”
“It is the job of every Christian to reverse the degeneration of modern-day morality. Do this through prayer and standing for the Truth of what abortion really is. Do not allow the Truth to be hidden and held in derision and compromised, as it is these days. Take a stance. Be a soldier of Truth. Then, when you stand before the Judgment Seat of My Son, you will not be condemned for this heinous crime of abortion.”