2021 Messages


December 24 2021 – "These days, My Will is reflected in victories as well as defeats. Every challenge is My Will. Every joy and disappointment leads the way...

December 23 2021 – "Today, children, is nearing the final day of preparation for the great feast of Christmas. Consider your problems and unresolved issues...

December 22 2021 – "Wrap your hearts in Holy Love. Light up the world around you with your faith. These preparations are the most important and will have...

December 21, 2021 - "Children, no one is more capable of dealing with your problems than I - your Heavenly Father. Through Me, all things are possible. The...

December 20, 2021 - "Children, make of your hearts an open sepulcher ready to absorb the Message on Christmas. Then, you will come alive with Heaven's Words."

December 19, 2021 – "Children, make certain that your last-minute holiday preparations include a brushing off and polishing up of your relationship with Me"

December 19, 2021 – "These days, people are fearful of contact with the latest viruses and diseases. Rightfully so. Even more dangerous, however, is the...

Messaggi del Santo Amore