

August 18, 2021 - "I am your Omnipotent Father - always ready to help - to console and to mitigate your most desperate needs"

August 17, 2021 - "I speak to you through this Messenger not to excite you about the future or to inform you of future events, but to build up your faith and...

August 16, 2021 - "Each day, begin anew with renewed faith, redoubled trust and undying love. Each day, a carpet of graces is laid at your feet - the greatest...

August 13, 2021 - "Clothe your prayers in the firm belief that I am listening and know what is best for you. It is this kind of faithful prayer that could...

August 11, 2021 - "The Truth is what My Will allows in your hearts and your lives to be played out in every present moment"

August 8, 2021 - "I will never abandon the soul who trusts in Me through a fervent prayer life. If you believe I am listening to your prayers, your faith will...

August 6, 2021 - "Keep your focus on the power of your prayers. Do not become discouraged. I answer all prayers within the confines of My Will. Sometimes, My...

July 26, 2021 - "If the soul opens his heart just a crack, I will flood his heart with the relief of My Mercy"

July 20, 2021 -"As heretics and unbelievers are given credence through the mass media, My Remnant must be a strong, united force in the support of the Truth"

July 19, 2021 - "Make a quiet space in your heart every day in which to meet Me in prayer. Within this space there is no room for phones, television and the...

July 10, 2021 - "Children, the depth of your love for Me is commensurate with the depth of your trust in Me. The deeper your love for Me, the deeper your love...

July 7, 2021 - "My greatest joy is to fill a troubled heart with peace. If a heart empties itself of all concerns, I can easily fill it with My Heavenly peace"