

February 12, 2021 - "You cannot live a courageous life in faith if you surrender to fear - always thinking the worst is about to happen"

February 5, 2021 - "Children, do not be apprehensive about the future. Please know that you are safe so long as your hearts are centered on Holy Love. It is...

February 3, 2021 - "Do not let the passions of your heart be worldly - but holy ambitions. If you do this, all things will fall into focus"

January 25, 2021 - "Trust in My Will for you - which always protects and provides whatever you need towards your own salvation"

December 15, 2020 - "Stand firm in your Christian ideals. Be united in prayer. Do not be discouraged, as changes affect your lives"

November 28, 2020 - "Let all your endeavors be grounded in My Will. That is the way to be a success both in this world and in the next"

October 30, 2020 - "The best way to accept what comes is to let My Will be responsible for the outcome of your choices- choices grounded in prayer and...

October 18 2020 - "Children, rest in My Arms. Recline in My Heart. Do not let these troubling times take a toll on the peace in your hearts"

October 11 2020 - "I need your trust in My Intercession - in My Power to make a difference. The more you trust in Me, the stronger your trust in your own...

October 4, 2020 - "Children, your life on earth is governed by time - hours, days and seasons. It is important to Me how you spend your time. That is what you...

October 2, 2020 - "Do not waste time in worry. The present moment will never return to you. Every moment is a test of faith. Be signs of faith to one another"

September 26, 2020 - "You will never be able to make your own heaven on earth. Certainly, you will never be truly happy by embracing free will as your god"