2020 Messages


"Allow My Will its moment of Truth. All circumstances are My Will and will bear good fruit in due season."

"Even if I forgive many sins in your life over and over, which I am happy to do for every repentant heart, your eternity is more or less joyful as a result of...

"It is the contest between good and evil. The victor receives the reward of Heaven. The loser goes the opposite way for all eternity"

"Children, the greatest challenge in the world today is to recognize the Truth and live according to it. If all of you could and would do this, you would have...

"Never presume it is safe to let your guard down. Every day, cover yourselves - your efforts - and all your surroundings in My Son's Precious Blood. This is a...

"The challenge the world faces today, is to recognize the bi-polar aspects of daily choices - choices between good and evil - conservative and liberal. Do not...

"Be united in good - not in evil. Stand together as an army of Truth. Do not be persuaded differently. My Blessing rests upon the righteous, just as it did in...

"It is not according to My Will that reputations are maligned at the whim of an ambitious few. Once again, I call for unity and peace. Do not allow factious...

"I bring you each present moment as a stepping-stone to come closer to Me. Use each moment in Holy Love. It is Satan who tries to coax you into fear, lack of...

"Allow your consciences to be convicted of any selfishness or greed which motivates your actions. Then, and only then, will the Truth, once again, reign in...

"The human reason and erroneous free-will choices have displaced faith in hearts. [...] Do not hesitate to call upon the intercession of Mary, Protectress of...

"These days are fraught with wars - wars inspired by false gods. Kingdoms will unite, but the union will be evil. Do not always see union as My Will. This can...