2021 Messages


January 16, 2021 - "You must stand firm in your obedience to My Commandments and in your joy in serving Me. There will be certain areas of persecution towards...

January 15, 2021 - "Children, do not allow the spirit of discouragement to overshadow your prayers. Be united - good against evil. Victory is still within your...

January 14, 2021 - "Children, once again, I point out to you that it is free- will choices that decide the future and that have decided the past"

January 13, 2021 - "Children, every moment given over to prayer from the heart is like a spiritual magnet which binds your heart to My Own. Do not be troubled...

January 12, 2021 - "I speak, therefore, to advance wisdom in your hearts as to Satan's existence and his plans to use a One World Order to his advantage"

January 11, 2021 - "You are not saved simply because you never killed someone or stole from somebody. You will be saved by loving Me more than the world and...

January 11, 2021 - "The next outpouring of My Triple Blessing will be on Divine Mercy Sunday - April 11, (2021)"

January 10, 2021 - "In this surrender is your trust in My Provision. You do not always see the ways that I am working in the background in hearts and through...

January 8, 2021 - "Be positive in a negative world . It is your prayers which help Me to change one heart at a time - hearts that you may never see or know...

January 7, 2021 - "Allow My Commandments to govern your hearts and your lives. This is the way to true and everlasting peace"

January 6, 2021 - "Do not become discouraged by the faulty actions and despicable opinions of those whom do not realize what or whom they are embracing"

January 5, 2021 - "Disobedience to the laws your nation was founded upon, take the whole nation and every balance and check of the government out from under...