2020 Messages


June 28, 2020 - "Children, this is an age when right is wrong and wrong is right. The undiscerning heart is easily tricked, as he does not look beneath the...

June 27, 2020 - "Please understand that every trial of man is foreseen by Me ahead of time. These occurrences hinge upon mankind's moment-to-moment decisions....

June 26, 2020 - "Attacking statues which represent historical fact is no different than attacking the Truth. Flagrant disrespect for the Constitution*...

June 25, 2020 - "Children, you must realize that the way to bring this country* back to reality is the path of Truth. You must realize that there are evil...

June 24, 2020 - "The types of entertainment that appeals to the masses, the focus of media which influences all ages, the ways that people are influenced to...

"How different the world would be if consciences were searched throughout the day and made clean in My Sight. These days, little or no effort is made to please...

"Children, please realize that in order for your country* to be destroyed, unity must be torn apart. This can only be accomplished if patriotism is destroyed....

"Do not be discouraged if through free will they choose an errant path. Be a constant in their lives that they can return to for strong Christian guidance. Be...

"Satan is even pulling souls from out of the world to form his own evil band of followers who are becoming more and more open in their evil efforts"

"Do not ever behave as though you have never heard of Holy Love. By the time you read even one Message you should be committed to a life of Holy Love"

"Children, place every day in time in My charge. That way, you will constantly be giving thanks for My Will in your lives. More than that I do not ask. Trust...

"You ask Me how you can come closer to Me. I tell you: use all your five senses I have given you to bring honor and glory to Me. Where you see the splendor of...