

January 16, 2021 - "You must stand firm in your obedience to My Commandments and in your joy in serving Me. There will be certain areas of persecution towards...

January 11, 2021 - "You are not saved simply because you never killed someone or stole from somebody. You will be saved by loving Me more than the world and...

January 7, 2021 - "Allow My Commandments to govern your hearts and your lives. This is the way to true and everlasting peace"

January 3, 2021 - "Today, I invite you to see your spirituality to be as a light which shines through the fog of the worldly confusion"

December 15, 2020 - "Stand firm in your Christian ideals. Be united in prayer. Do not be discouraged, as changes affect your lives"

December 14, 2020 - "I count on My Remnant Faithful, just as I believed in Noah and saved him and his family from the flood. I see which ones I can count on to...

December 6, 2020 - "Sometimes you cannot readily see it, but in the next moment it is apparent. Therefore, do not lose heart, but pray that My Divine Will is...

December 3, 2020 - "Think, as you prepare your hearts, how peaceful the world would be if everyone would forgive his neighbor. There would be no threat of wars"

December 2, 2020 - "Keep your personal spiritual house free of what is called 'progressive'. This is merely a departure from the Truth"

November 26, 2020 - "Children, today, I am very thankful for all those who love Me and esteem My Commandments"

November 17, 2020 - "Do not have a double standard - that is, to behave one way to please one group of people and another way to please someone else. Do not be...

November 10, 2020 - "The one who proclaims to be the winner is united not to the people of this nation, but to evil forces who have dishonestly altered the...