2020 Messages


"As I was drawing MY FINAL BREATH, My last thoughts were of Holy Love - the Mission* in the throes of controversy and its perseverance in the face of calumny"

"My Passion was an example for all to follow in the final hours of life. I lost My independence not with anger but with a patient spirit. I was totally united...

"When you forgive, your heart most easily unites to My Own Paternal Heart. Forgive everyone from your past. Most especially forgive yourselves by believing...

"If hearts were united in belief in My Son's Real Presence, the world would not find itself cast upon the constant threat of wars. There would be no need for...

"No suffering has or will be comparable to My Passion. Therefore, as unusual and unprecedented crosses occur in your lives and around the world, remember that...

" If all goes well in the world. Man's free will so often presents obstacles to My Plans. In this case, it is man's inability to successfully avoid this virus"

"Make good use of your time, as of necessity, you must isolate yourselves in your homes. Be cognizant of the many needs you can accomplish through prayer"

"The Remnant Church is becoming difficult to find, as more and more choose the popular church of opinions - not Truth"

"Satan's attacks know no boundaries. The greatest attacks are levied against those who have the most influence. Embrace the Traditions of Faith"

"The deeper your trust, the stronger your prayers. However, do not fall into Satan's trap, thinking proudly of the strength of your prayers. Such spiritual...

"Satan's job is to destroy the peace in your hearts, thereby holding you captive to worry, lack of trust and fear"

"Upon the building block of Holy Love is trust. Upon trust is surrender. These two - trustful surrender - help the soul to accept and live In My Holy Will in...