2020 Messages


August 26, 2020 - "Just as I am sending My Warrior Angels to hearts, the enemy will send his own agents to oppose any good. Therefore, pray that the battle is...

August 25, 2020 - "Pride is the root of all evil. Once you recognize the areas of pride in your life, you can come closer to Me through deeper holiness. This...

August 24, 2020 - "Forgiveness cannot consume a heart who does not love. Love is the foundation of every virtue especially forgiveness. Forgiveness requires a...

August 23, 2020 - "Even those prayers said amidst great distraction or with little faith are worthwhile to Me. Do not allow Satan to tell you otherwise"

August 22, 2020 - "Faith in prayer is the strength that can change world events both now and those pending in the future"

August 20, 2020 - "I have given the world My Blessing Card** as a means of deflecting untruth and underscoring the Truth. My Blessing is a means of discerning...

August 19, 2020 - "You are morally bound by My Commandments not to choose a candidate who supports abortion. To cast a vote for such a one is to vote in favor...

August 18, 2020 - "Do not fear any circumstance. I am there with you and ahead of you. Do not waste the present moment trying to account for the future"

August 17, 2020 - "The world is in a sad place spiritually these days for people have stopped turning to Me for solace, forgiveness and to celebrate in joy"

August 16, 2020 - "See that My Commandments are a sign of My Love for you as they are the structure of conduct you must follow and obey if you wish to enter...

August 15, 2020 - "Today, dear children, I rejoice with you when I am in your presence. I rejoice that you have not succumbed to the traps of modern theology"

August 15, 2020 - "Dear children, you do not see the dangers of these times, mainly because you believe the distorted propaganda represented to you as news....